Appa & Ruby’s PAW’SOME PALS


Who We Are Appa & Ruby's Hoomans

Based around the 13th arrondissement in Paris, Kat and Zeke originally met each other through a chance encounter and found out that they had many similarities and interests.

The most relatable passion of all? Their love for DOGGOS!

Founded out of the idea of organizing playdates for their own two furry-legged companions (Appa & Ruby!), Kat and Zeke decided to create a way to facilitate meet-ups for dog owners and doggo friends with an all-in-one matchmaking service which takes into account: individual dog personalities and compatibility combined with events and hang-out coordination from their hooman counterparts.

Has this piqued the interested of you and your perked-up pup’s ears following along?

Well then get ready to make some paw’some connections !